
Weight Loss Ayurvedic Treatment In Ludhiana, Punjab

Ayurvedic Treatment for Overweight

Ayurveda for obesity and weight loss ayurvedic treatment in Ludhiana, Punjab According to Ayurveda, the human body is made up of 3 constitutions which include Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The overweight issue is triggered by Kapha dosha and in terms of Ayurveda, it is referred to as Athulya.
For weight reduction, it is important to look after your diet and the lifestyle activities you are following. Panchakarma therapy is effective to address obesity or weight loss. Ayurvedic treatment helps to provide a balance in the 3 energies which include Pitta, Kapha, and Vata.

  • Kapha helps increase the immunity and strength and makes the basic structure of the tissues proper.
  • Pitta is helpful for digestion and maintaining the metabolism in the body.
  • Vata helps maintain the balance between the body.

Identifying the dosha which is creating problems can prove helpful and your overall health is going to improve. At Ayush Ayurveda, the Ayurvedic practitioner will understand the deep-root of the problem and let you know the correct way in which the problem can be treated.

What should be your diet to reduce Kapha?

  • Eat-in small quantities many times.
  • Make sure to eat warm soup.
  • Your diet should include whole grains – 30% to 40%.
  • Your diet should have protein – 20% to 30%.
  • Your diet should have fruits and vegetables – 40% to 50%.
  • Your diet should have a limited amount of spices.

What are the dietary recommendations suggested by the Ayurvedic doctors?


To balance the Kapha you need to avoid dairy products, fatty foods, and any other specific item suggested by the doctor. If you want, you can have soy milk or consume cow milk in less. Do not have yogurt at night and it would be better if you consume buttermilk.


Consumption of red meat needs to be avoided. If you want to have red meat then it is best to include soup in your diet.


You should consume only hot drinks and avoid cold ones. If you love to have milkshakes or cold sodas then it is better to have hot water or tea. Additionally, you should not consume alcohol.
Additional dietary habits suggested by Ayurveda
Your Kapha can become balanced when you reduce the consumption of cinnamon, coriander, or any other hot spices. Limiting these things will control your weight. It is better to have food items which have bitter, pungent, and astringent taste.

  • Your diet needs to have dry cereals, salads, beans, and cooked grains.
  • You need to have just one big meal in the day which can be either breakfast or lunch. Keep in mind, the dinner needs to be light.
  • You should include honey in your diet and avoid adding sugar.
  • The body fat will be reduced if you have lemon added in water.


You should limit the physical activity regime to 45 minutes a day. It is better to limit walking, jogging, and yoga.

What is Ayurvedic detox?

Ayurvedic detox is based on the concept of Ayurvedic medicine. Ayurveda helps to divide the world into 5 different elements like Teja, Jala, Prithvi, Vayu, and Aakash. The combination of the different doshas is essential to maintaining the functioning of the body. Detoxes are needed in the daily routine to restore well-being.
For every person, the balance of doshas is different and its effects on health will be different. Detoxing helps in getting rid of the toxins from the body which have occurred due to stress, food, and different reasons.
To relax your mind and body, visit Deep clinic for effective Ayurvedic treatment for detox and weight loss

What are the steps of Ayurvedic detox?

Bodily detox (Purvakarma and Panchakarma)
In the beginning phase, Purvakarma is done to send the harmful toxins to the bowel and skin surface to be eliminated from the body. During this approach, various things are included to promote mental clarity like:

  • Steaming
  • Oil Massage
  • Shirodhara


After that, Panchakarma is suggested to the professionals to rejuvenate and increase their immunity. It contains 5 elements which are mentioned below:

  • Vaman
    Use of herbal medications through purging or vomiting
  • Virechan
    Medical plants are used to cleanse the body.
  • Basti
    Warm oils are used for massaging.
  • Rakha
    Blood detoxification is done which is known as bloodletting.
  • Nasya
    Nasal therapy is done with oils, fumes, and herbal remedies.
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    Dikshit Kumar

    I would like to express my gratitude to the entire team of Ayush Ayurveda for the exceptional service they have provided me. I was having weight issues for the last 2 years. I tried going to the gym and got many treatments but nothing gave me the results I needed. In fact, it resulted in a negative impact on my body. However, with the ayurvedic treatment, my overall well-being has been improved and my weight has been reduced significantly.