Best Ayurvedic Doctor in Punjab, Ludhiana

Best Ayurvedic doctor in Ludhiana: Dr Gauhar Vatsyayan (Ayush Ayurveda)

Ayush Ayurveda best Ayurvedic Doctor in Ludhiana, Punjab provides the best ayurvedic treatments with a unique Ayurvedic methodology that benefits the body, mind, and soul. Ludhiana's best Ayurvedic Expert consultancy by Dr Gauhar Vatsyayan, M.D (Ay) Panchkarma Specialist, The Ayurveda Consultant and Dr Niharika Vatsyayan M.D (Ay) Infertility Specialist, is the essence of giving you the best Ayurvedic treatment for your health issues.

Dr Gauhar Vatsyayan

  • M.D (Ay) Panchkarma Specialist
  • The Ayurveda Consultant

Dr. Gauhar Vatsyayan belongs to a family of traditional Ayurveda doctors in Ludhiana, Punjab. He completed his M.D in Kayachikitsa from SDM college of Ayurveda, Manipal. He has been practising in Ayurveda since 2011 at Ayush Ayurveda. He is among the leading Ayurveda consultant for chronic diseases of this region. He is famously running the department in this super speciality clinic by providing authentic Ayurveda and Panchkarma treatment. Ayurveda doctors in Ludhiana

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No. 1 Ayurvedic Centre

Dr Niharika Vatsyayan

  • M.D (Ay) Infertility Specialist
  • The Ayurveda Consultant

Dr Niharika Vatsyayan is the gen-next ayurvedic gynaecologist. She passed her M.D. (Ay) from the Uttaranchal Ayurvedic College, Dehradun in the Basic Principals stream of Ayurveda. A devoted and hardworking doctor, she has got expertise in rendering Panchakarma therapies including the classic Uttar Basti procedures to the patients suffering from Infertility and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Dr Niharika Vatsyayan has made a mark in the field of ayurvedic gynaecology.

Uttar Basti treatment in Ludhiana, Punjab

Are you diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)?

At Ayush Ayurveda, under the guidance of Dr. Niharika Vatsyayan, a gen-next ayurvedic gynecologist- you can consult about your condition. Specializing in the Uttar Basti treatment in Ludhiana, Punjab, which aims to treat the condition of PCOS and infertility. 

Dr. Niharika Vatsyayan is a renowned doctor with a degree of M.D. (Doctor Of Medicine) in Ayurveda from the prestigious Uttaranchal Ayurvedic College, Dehradun. She completed her studies in the Basic Principles Stream Of Ayurveda. With passion and equal devotion, Dr. Niharika Vatsyayan has achieved many successes. With expertise in rendering the Panchakarma Therapies that also include Uttar Basti Procedure. She has gained a lot of names in the field of ayurvedic treatment and gynecology. Specializing in the field of curing PCOS and Infertility, she has given a unique ayurvedic methodology that benefits the body, mind, and soul.

Uttar Basti Treatment

Dr. Niharika Vatsyayan performs Uttar Basti treatment on her patients who are suffering from PCOS, Infertility, and urinary disorders in both men and women.

It is an essential panchakarma procedure that involves the therapy of administration of a particular medicinal oil, decoction, or ghrita into the uterus or urinary bladder. Uttar Basti treatment is used for the following purposes in women. 

  • For the purposes of menstrual problems like amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, and leucorrhea.
  • Used for primary and secondary infertility.
  • Useful treatment for removing tubal blocks.
  • The doctor uses Uttar Basti treatment in patients with recurrent abortions.
  • PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome).
  • Widely used for dysuria and urethral stricture.

Our Expertises

A social network is a social structure made up of a set of social actors (such as individuals or organizations), sets of dyadic ties, and other social interactions between actors. The social network perspective provides a set of methods for analyzing the structure of whole social entities as well as a variety of theories. sets of dyadic ties, and other social interactions between actors. methods for analyzing the structure of whole social entities as well as a variety.


Making Ayurvedic HealthCare System Accessible To All

Our Vision

Ayurveda includes all-natural practices, and considering its effectiveness, we want to make each person fit and healthy through Ayurveda. Our Ayurvedic doctor aims to heal the world through practical means of Ayurvedic treatment.

Our Mission

Our Ayurvedic doctor's mission is to urge and help understand everyone's reasons for choosing Ayurvedic treatment. The present modern-day needs more magic of Ayurvedic medicine to boost overall health.

What happens during an Ayurvedic consultation?

When you visit the Ayurvedic doctor in Punjab, he performs a thorough examination to understand the root cause. To customize a personalized treatment to boost your well-being, the Ayurvedic practitioner performs three significant steps:

  • Darshan (Observation): The term Darshan stands for initial consultation face to face. Our Ayurvedic doctor in Punjab checks all your physical attributes, including body mass, weight, eye color, skin, body movement, etc. Carefully analyzing the symptoms allows you to understand your overall well-being and what might be wrong with your health.
  • Sparshana (Touch): Once the doctor has verbally asked you different questions, there's a touch examination. the doctor analyzes your:
    • Sound or organs
    • Palpation
    • Pulse
    • Other body parts are pressed to pinpoint the problem
    • Depending on the symptoms or issues you have discussed, the doctor follows an integral approach. The nails, speech, and tongue are even part of the examination. If the problem does not come to light, then lab tests are done.
  • Prashana (Asking questions): On completing the examination, you will get time to ask questions to the doctor. It allows you to get customized treatment and understand the issue. So, it's your time to ask any doubt that comes to your mind. Depending on above two methods: Doctor makes a treatment plan with some lifestyle changes to make your well-being better.

Reasons to choose Ayush Ayurveda: Ayurvedic clinic in Punjab

Ayurvedic treatment is based upon the holistic practices that allow the transforming of the patient's well-being deep from the root. To seek customized and effective Ayurvedic treatment in Punjab, you need to look for a top-rated Ayurvedic clinic like Ayush Ayurveda. Some of the top facilities offered at our Ayurvedic clinic in Ludhiana are:

Reason 1: Experienced Ayurvedic Doctor

The Ayurvedic doctor in Punjab skills and brilliance in treating any health problem makes him different. The approach followed by the Ayurvedic doctor makes the difference. The treatment plan you get is made to cater to all your demands.

Reason 2: Ayurveda offers Personalized treatment

Our Ayurvedic doctor in Ludhiana checks the patient's well-being to determine the root cause. Once the symptoms are analyzed, and the triggering factor is known, treatment is given only. All in all, it allows for providing quality and efficient care to every patient.

Reason 3: Ayurvedic treatment is safe

Safety and effectiveness go hand in hand with Ayurvedic treatment. Ayurvedic treatment is based upon all-natural and safe products, so it ensures there are no side effects. You only have to take the medication as suggested by the Ayurvedic practitioner in Punjab.

Reason 4: Hospital offers a comfortable setup

Every patient wants a comfortable and friendly setup to get necessary healthcare services. And that is what Ayush Ayurveda ensures to offer the patient. Everything at our clinic is well-managed to make your comfort level top-notch.

Reason 5: Face to Face Consultation

Our Ayurvedic doctor at Ayush Ayurveda in Punjab won’t give you the treatment until the initial consultation. How will the doctor miss it when this is the chance to determine the root cause? So, always make the most of this time to clarify your condition and necessary treatment plan.

Reason 6: Quality-tested Ayurvedic products

If you have suggested any Ayurvedic product during your treatment, you can have peace of mind. The Ayurvedic medications are made with natural products and advanced technology. So, quality is not compromised.

What are the benefits of choosing an Ayurvedic treatment?

Live Healthy and Stay Happy: That should be the motto of everyone’s life. And Ayurveda perfectly defines the same. Being an ancient medical system, the approach allows you to stay healthy and disease-free. Some of the major benefits of seeking Ayurvedic treatment from an experienced Ayurvedic practitioner in Ludhiana are:

Benefit 1: Ayurveda addresses the problem through the root cause

No matter how many times you read it or heard it, it won't change, ‘Ayurveda treats the root cause.’ The treatment addresses underlying reasons behind the problem. Therefore, your body and you do not have to deal with this problem. You are just one step away from getting a complete cure.

Benefit 2: No adverse side-effects

The Ayurvedic treatment approach is safe and free from any adverse side effects of conventional medications. When you begin to cure yourself through Ayurveda, you will only experience a wholesome journey. So, make the most of time-tested Ayurvedic treatment to transform your health.

Benefit 3: Balance tridoshas

If you are not feeling well, your doshas are imbalanced. So, the Ayurvedic practitioner will take measures to transform your present state for the better. And guide you towards necessary steps to balance your doshas.

Benefit 4: Live a disease-free life

Through Ayurvedic treatment, you can live a disease-free life. Not just does the problem get addressed, but you even feel good about yourself. So, to transform your physical, mental, and emotional well-being, Ayurvedic treatment is all you need.

Benefit 5: Seek Preventive Care

The Ayurvedic doctor not just focuses on transforming your well-being. After the problem gets treated you need to checkup. Follow all the preventive measures to reduce the chances of occurrence.

Benefit 6: Ayurveda treats the body as a whole

Through Ayurvedic treatment, the entire health is transformed. So the main aim of Ayurveda is to stop the disease from spreading & occurring again, treat acute disease, and tell you all about necessary measures to make your health better.

Benefit 7: Effective and right treatment plan

Ayurveda is the one that gets you one step closer to getting an Ayurvedic treatment plan. The Ayurvedic treatment is what you need to live a disease-free life and better. Feel free to discuss with the doctor whatever thoughts come to your mind to effectively treat your condition.

What’s the difference between holistic and modern medicine?

The Ayurvedic treatment methodology includes the holistic practices that have been in existence for many years. On the other hand, modern medicine is another choice. There has been a lot of debate: Which one to choose? Let me give you a better understanding of how these are different from one another:

  • Holistic medicine focuses on eliminating the problem through the root cause, whereas modern medicine only suppresses the symptom for the time being to give you relief.
  • Holistic medicines are all-natural, safe, and derived from natural sources and plants. Ayurvedic medicine: Obtained through mother nature. Whereas, modern medicine has chemicals, and might harm the body. Additionally, Holistic medicines are affordable. Anyone can afford the Ayurvedic treatment.
  • Holistic treatment addresses problems through the root cause, which means you get a long-lasting cure.
  • Ayurvedic medications are all-natural because of their holistic nature, with no side effects. Whereas with modern medicine, you have to bear several adverse symptoms and side effects.
  • Holistic medicine treats the body as a whole. Therefore, the problem is checked and afterwards you get treatment. Modern medicine emphasizes simply focusing on treating the symptoms.

Holistic medicine addresses the person's body, mind, and soul.

Holistic medicine aims to transform your physical, intellectual, emotional, and mental well-being. As mentioned above, holistic medicine treats the body as a whole. Whereas with modern medicine, it’s impossible, and you have to get the treatment separately for every health issue.

Now, you know how effective the holistic treatment plan is in comparison to modern medicine. Get ready to experience compassionate care with our experienced Ayurvedic doctor in Punjab to get your most effective treatment.