Ayurveda and its approach to curating your own skincare routine

Skin Care

Ayurveda and its approach to curating your own skincare routine

  • July 9, 2022


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Ayurvedic DoctorSkin Care

Ayurvedic Skincare Routine And Its Importance To Have Healthy Skin

  • June 20, 2022


Ayurveda is the perfect technique to take care of your skin as its main philosophy relies on promoting the balance between the skin and its health. There are many aspects in life that have an impact on how you and your skin age. But the thing is not everyone knows what those factors are.

This is where an Ayurvedic Skin Specialists in Ludhiana comes in. They will help you make an effective skincare routine based on your skin type with the help of Ayurveda’s three doshas types: Vata (air), Kapha (water), and pitta (fire). After having an idea of what kind of dosha type you are, then you would be able to find the kind of food and activities best suited for you.

In this blog, the best ayurvedic doctor in Ludhiana will tell you the importance of having an ayurvedic skincare routine in order to have proper healthy and glowing skin. 

How Did Ayurveda Routine Change The Landscape Of Skin Care?

Practitioners use herbal teas and herbs to make ayurvedic remedies to help the patient have more healthy and glowing skin by promoting anti-aging and hydration in the skin. Honey in this routine is one of the most nutritious options that helps shield the skin from any kind of free radicals because of its antioxidant level. Apart from that, it is also a valuable part because of its great anti-inflammatory effects that soothe the inflammation of the veins and the skin.

Herbs and other natural elements are the main ingredients in the ayurvedic skin care product. They help in hydrating, rejuvenating, and protecting the skin for the long term. This means that it will make sure that you would have glowing skin all through the year without having any chemical or harmful reactions such as irritation and allergies. 

What Is Healthy Skin Care Routine And Why Do You Require One?

A healthy skincare routine or as many people calls it “ a healthy skin care regimen” is something that many people have. It is technically a comprehensive plan whose main goal is to restore and maintain the natural beauty of the skin. An average person should spend almost four hours every week on their skin regimen.

In some cases, the people would also require more time based on the state of their skin and their personal needs. Whereas in some cases, they are required to follow only the basic routine to attain a better result. And on sensitive skin, the patient would have to apply some extra products to see results.

To know more details kindly visit our ayurvedic clinic in Punjab and enquire the doctor about your doubts and questions.

Also do keep in mind that there are some skincare essentials you must have including sunscreen and moisturizer. They both play a major role in keeping your skin healthy while simultaneously protecting it from harmful sun’s UV rays. We also highly recommend you use toner and cleanser in order to keep your pores unclogged which would make your skin look more fresh throughout the day.