Low Back Ache

Lower Back Pain Ayurvedic Treatment in Ludhiana, Punjab

Lower Back Pain Ayurvedic Treatment in Ludhiana, Punjab, Low backache is the second most common reason for a patient to visit a Physician. It is only second to the common cold.
Almost 90% of Indians have suffered from Low Back ache in their Life time.

Symptoms :

  • It is characterised by sharp or diffused Pain in the Lumbar region.
  • Stiffness in the lower back
  • Lethargy
  • Radiating Pain down the leg, also known as Sciatic Syndrome.

Ayurveda Treatment

We at Ayush Ayurveda have a great record of treating different types of Low Back ache by employing various Panchkarma Techniques and giving Herbo-mineral medicines.
In Ayurveda Low-back ache can be treated without giving any Pain Killer or surgeries.
One of those Procedures is Kati Basti. This procedure pacticed for 6 to 10 days for half an hour gives tremendous results.

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    Consult our Ayurvedic practitioner for an evaluation and treatment to benefit your health.

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    Treatment depends on the underlying cause.

    Nourish the nervous system and increase the body’s energies.

    Get long-term relief from low-back ache.

    Satish Mishra

    I have been visiting the Ayush Ayurveda for a long time. The dedicated doctor and staff provide exceptional treatment. They do a proper consultation and diagnose the condition in-depth to give you the best treatment. My lower back pain issues have been solved without the need of getting surgical treatment. I can proudly say that I have found the perfect cure, and I am still doing fine. Ayurvedic treatment has changed my life for the best.