How is Ayurvedic treatment a practical option for allergy problems?


How is Ayurvedic treatment a practical option for allergy problems?

  • April 20, 2022


Change in weather comes with the season of allergy!

Those who deal with allergies know how tough it is to continue their everyday lives. Going out and thinking that dust can be a huge problem. Not just seasonal allergy, but food, wheat, pollution, and many other factors are linked to allergy. If you have been struggling with an allergy for a long time but cannot get a solution for the same, then it’s time that you visit one of the renowned Ayurvedic clinic in Punjab to know better about which treatment is proper for you.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Skin Allergy

When you consult the Ayurvedic doctor in Ludhiana, the initial evaluation includes checking the primary triggering factor of allergy. Checking the root cause allows us to analyze the problem effectively and ensure it won’t trigger again. When you consult the doctor, makes sure to inform them about the common symptoms that you notice with an allergy episode like:

  • Redness
  • Raised bumps
  • Swelling
  • Skin flaking
  • Skin cracking

Those mentioned above are some of the common ones, and you may experience other symptoms, so you should inform the Ayurvedic doctor about the same. Ayurvedic treatment gives you an all-natural and safe approach, which means no side effects and problems afterward.

Ayurvedic treatment for skin allergy focuses on balancing the hormone

At times, a particular substance triggers hypersensitivity, which makes the situation worse. It’s essential to analyze the necessary allergens and determine the doshas as their imbalance creates problems. So, the initial Ayurvedic treatment focus for allergy is getting the doshas in a balanced state. Afterward, the digestion is restored and improved. When you are getting Ayurvedic treatment, the doctor will inform you all about the necessary diet and lifestyle changes worth considering.

The allergens do indeed create a lot of imbalance in the body. Moreover, a simple trigger can make the sensitivity in the body reach a higher stage. This is why it’s imperative to consult the Ayurvedic doctor at the earliest to ensure the problem is well-addressed.

Ayurvedic treatment boosts the immunity

The best part about Ayurvedic treatment is that the necessary lifestyle and dietary changes play a significant role in boosting the overall immunity. This is the right way to live a better and healthy life. The focus of Ayurveda is to make the body better and healthier. So, Ayurvedic treatment is the answer for the same.

Are you struggling with an allergy? Have you tried everything but nothing seems to be working for you? Don’t stress yourself!

You need Ayurvedic treatment to better your body immunity and deal with allergies. Schedule your initial consultation at Ayush Ayurveda to seek a personalized treatment plan.



What are the helpful Ayurvedic tips to cool down yourself in summer?

  • April 15, 2022


Who likes summer weather?

Well, everyone has their preference. It’s said that weather change is necessary to keep the body balanced. But, it’s also essential that the body can effectively manage the change that happens with the weather. Especially Summers! For the right way to deal with summertime, you will seek all the meaningful solutions from the experienced Ayurvedic doctor in Ludhiana to give you the ultimate possible care.

Bear in mind!

Don’t let your summertime get affected, by all means otherwise the body will have several issues like:

  • Diarrhea
  • Dehydration
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness

Do you have any of these issues? Schedule your initial consultation at one of the renowned Ayurvedic clinic in Punjab to take the best care of your health, irrespective of the season.

Ayurveda and its approach to taking care of yourself during summertime

As per Ayurveda, you need to take all possible measures to get pitta dosha under control. Because if that does not happen, then the body will go through several changes that are difficult to be dealt with. All those little factors make a lot of difference in your health and only then is the body able to effectively deal with the harsh summer weather.

Ayurvedic tips to take the best care of yourself during summer

Here are some of the beneficial tips worth considering during summertime to take the best care of your overall well-being.

Tip 1: Intake of pitta-pacifying food

The most crucial step is to have pitta-pacifying food so that the body stays cool due to harsh summer weather. You can have apples, berries, pears, melons, prunes, plums, and green vegetables. So, make sure to have enough of these in the summertime. 

Tip 2: Don’t have an intake of food that produce heat

You have to say no to everything that produces excess heat in the body. Intake of root vegetables should be avoided in summers. So, it’s better that you don’t have carrots, chili, salted cheese, spinach, and dark meat should be avoided. It’s better to have salad daily.

Tip 3: Always have your meal on time

Always make sure that you have your food on time. For example, if you skip your lunch, it’s likely to aggravate pitta dosha. Moreover, it’s the major reason that you are irritated all the time.

Tip 4: Apply coconut oil

After having your bath, you should apply coconut oil over the skin to let it cool down and make your skin feel nourished.

Tip 5: Avoid hot drink and beverages

Summertime is the right time to have refreshing beverages. So, make sure that you avoid the intake of any kind of hot beverage like coffee and tea.