Sexual Problems (Ayurvedic Sexologist)

Sexual Problems (Ayurvedic Sexologist)

  • December 4, 2020


Sexual Problem Ayurvedic Treatment in Ludhiana | Ayurvedic Sexologist Doctor in Punjab

Sexual Problem

Sexual Problem Ayurvedic Treatment in Ludhiana, Punjab Many people often do not get treatment for sexual issues just because of shame and embarrassment. Lack of understanding regarding the treatment makes it difficult to get medical help and it often makes life complicated. Ayurvedic treatment for sexual dysfunction follows an effective approach which includes the Rasayanas and herbs. The most common sexual issues faced by individuals are:

  • Klaibya (Erectile Dysfunction)
  • Bandhatya (Infertility)
  • Shukraghata (Premature Ejaculation)
  • Female Frigidity

Not consuming a healthy & nutritious diet, mental anxiety, stress, and the presence of ama will decrease strength, vigour, and potency which impacts the Shukra Dhatu. Additionally, the sexual issues can occur due to the reason of different medical issues like high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, Parkinson’s disease, or sometimes the medications can lead to harmful side effects.

Ayurvedic treatment finds the root cause to treat the issue

In recent times, it is seen that the younger generation has reported sexual problems in excess due to a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, and wrong lifestyle preferences. The Ayush Ayurveda expert team has successfully treated thousands of patients with sexual dysfunction by understanding the root cause and changing their diet & lifestyle.
Pleasure is an important part of everyone’s life. If your sex desire has reduced or sex issues are resulting in a problem in your marriage then consult our ayurvedic expert today only.

Ayurvedic medicines yield benefits without any negative impact on the body

Ayurvedic medicines are all about natural herbs. Not just the medications but even the therapy & counseling sessions have proven effective and reliable for the patients. The Ayurvedic treatment focuses on the root cause and helps to improve your entire problem within no time.

What are the essential Ayurvedic products to improve your sexual desire?

Increased stress or affected nervous system impacts sexual desire. Ashwagandha is one of the effective medicines which controls the stress level and benefits the nervous system. Consumption of this medication boosts the nitric oxide production in the body which dilates the blood vessels and helps to reach it to the genitals. An increase in blood circulation increases sexual desire and improves sexual life. To see the visible results you need to consult your health expert as he suggests the right dosage for your condition.

Talmakhana is another effective Ayurvedic medicine to increase libido performance. A decrease in sperm count affects sexual performance which in turn will make you feel unable to avoid intercourse with your partner. Consumption of this medicine can improve blood circulation which increases the power to have sex.

Shilajit is one of the effective ayurvedic treatments for ED. These medications have been in demand for quite a long time now. Its effectiveness helps their partner to have great pleasure and makes them feel satisfied. No doubt, this herb is expensive. The medication contains the fulvic acid which helps to increase the testosterone level, improve sperm movement, sperm count, and spermatogenesis. Consumption of this medication according to the doctor’s prescription will greatly benefit your sexual performance.

Ayurvedic treatment is the answer to improve sexual health
The Deep clinic entire team has been working for years and follows the Ayurvedic philosophy to treat the ailments & prove strategic treatment.

Ayurvedic Skin Care

  • December 4, 2020


Ayurvedic Skin Specialists in Ludhiana | Ayurvedic Skin treatment in Punjab

Statistics have shown that 1 in 6 individuals are suffering from skin allergy.
Healthy skin is the reflection of your well-being.

Ayurvedic Skin Specialists in Ludhiana, Punjab, Everyone wants to have flawless skin. But it is normal to experience skin disorders with age. However, skin issues can occur at a young age. Most commonly these include eczema, psoriasis, acne, and many other skin ailments. According to Ayurveda, all the 3 doshas (Kapha, Pitta, and Vata) are in combination with different issues. The tissues which are involved are Rakta (Blood), Lasika (lymph), Rasa (plasma), and Masma (muscle).
Personalized Ayurvedic treatment for skin issues is customized to benefit your skin and solve the problem. Doshas can have an imbalance due to excessive heat exposure, pollution, stress, improper nutrition, and the use of chemical-based cosmetics can aggravate skin issues. It might be possible the problem is appearing normal to you but you need to find the root cause. Ayurvedic experts will find the reason so that your overall wellness can be improved greatly.

What are the causes of skin diseases?

As per Ayurveda, the causes of skin diseases are mentioned below:

  • Doing physical exercise after the consumption of a heavy meal.
  • Intake of food items which are of different qualities like dairy items with sour fruits, and fruit & yogurt.
  • Not focusing on natural urges
  • After the consumption of heavy meals going out in the sun.
  • Excessive consumption of food items like sour food, slat fish, or any other food item which needs to be taken in moderation.

How skin disorders are classified by Ayurveda?

Maha Kunsthaus

Major and severe skin issues and these are totals in seven.

Kshudra Kunsthaus

Minor skin issues and these are total 11 in number.
The classification is based on the symptoms the person has. Along with the symptoms the way skin appearance changes & how it progresses. Your ayurvedic expert will also consider the fact if you have undergone any surgical intervention or taken any therapy in the past.

How are Doshas involved?

The skin disorders are based on the doshas which involve the symptoms that are different with every person.

Vata disorders

This situation can come along with brown or black discolorations, skin dryness, stiffness in the local area, fissures, and nerve involvement.

Pitta disorders

This disorder can lead to sweating, burning sensation, bright red discoloration, fever, inflammation, pus formation, or oozing of liquid.

Kapha disorders

This condition can come along with swelling, itching, heaviness, fluid retention, and white discoloration.

Skins disorders

Acne vulgaris

Acne vulgaris is caused by the imbalance of the Kapha dosha and Pitta dosha. The tissues involved are fat, sweat, skin, and blood.

Ayurvedic remedies for acne

  • Consume aloe vera juice 3 times a day.
  • Avoid consumption of salty, spicy, and sour food.


Leucoderma is the skin disorder during which the melanin pigment is impaired or destroyed. The skin pigmentation can spread from one area to another.

Ayurvedic remedies

  • As per the dosha you need to include your nutrition and diet.
  • Ama’s presence needs to be established and treated on time.
  • Specific herbs which can be used are neem, turmeric, Triphala, and many more.