How age triggers joint pain, and How can it be managed easily?

Ayurvedic Treatment for Joint Pain
Joints Pain

How age triggers joint pain, and How can it be managed easily?

  • August 25, 2023


Aging is a natural and beautiful process of collecting years of experience. As you get older, your knowledge increases, but sometimes, with that, your bones and joints get weaker, and as a result, you get pain in the different parts of the body, which also hinders your daily activities as well. 

Here are some ways that can help you get your pain safely managed at home:

Reduce stiffness by maintaining movement: 

Firstly, if you get joint pain, it is vital that you keep your body moving and active, which helps in reducing pain and also reduces the stiffness caused by pain. Continuous movement helps strengthen the muscles around the joints. Many orthopaedic surgeons suggest that low-impact exercises like swimming, cycling, and walking are assigned as a great option to adapt to joint pain and to keep it intact with continuous movement. 

Maintain your body weight: 

Proper body weight is essential because if bones and joints carry extra pressure, then it increases the possibility that you will get more joint pain than the one who maintains it, so you can also keep a proper weight with the help of a diet.  

Icing can be the option: 

If anything is not working and pain and swelling have increased a lot, then rubbing the ice on the area around the joint can help you immediately relieve pain. If you did not get relief, then you should contact any ortho doctor from the best Orthopaedic Hospital in Ludhiana.

  • Use the medications only after recommendation: 

There are several medicines available in the market that help in providing relief from pain immediately, but an individual can not take them for long periods as it has their own side effects as well, which really negatively affect the health and can be the cause for any other disorders in the body. 

Applying gel or creams for pain relief can be an option but not a permanent solution as they do not last long, so contact an Orthopaedic Surgeon In India anywhere before taking any type of medication for joint pain relief. 

You can take therapy. 

Many physicians provide proper massage and therapies to maintain the body’s physical movement. They can help strengthen the muscles around the joint and also stabilize the joint to improve the range of motion of the body. 

You can try other options like yoga: 

Yoga is also another crucial aspect to provide you the solution to your pain and reduce it. Many patients see the effective results so that you can perform Bridge Pose and Warrior Pose.

A beginner can perform forward Fold Plank Pose, Bow Pose, and Bound Angle Pose, some of the poses to strengthen muscles and reduce joint pain. It also helps in performing daily activities smoothly. 


Early detection can help in early healing, which is a genuine factor, so I advise you that if you have extreme pain in the joint, then you should get yourself checked once. Still, if you want to manage pain at home, you can try these ways, as they can help you relieve the pain that you can. Wraping the joint where you are feeling pain can be helpful in some cases.