What is Panchkarma? Which detoxification approaches are used in Ayurveda?


What is Panchkarma? Which detoxification approaches are used in Ayurveda?

  • August 9, 2021


Wherever the medical treatments to heal the particular diseases fail, then it is needed to switch to the ayurvedic treatment. As per the thought of the professional ayurvedic doctor in Ludhiana, “ The ayurvedic approach to make the particular disease healed comes up with the motive to get rid of the problem from the root and to make the immunity system so strong that the same condition never affects the body all over again.” This is the main reason that the people have built more faith in ayurvedic treatment rather than medical treatment.

In this blog, we are going to know about the detoxification approach as per the ayurvedic principles.

Why is detoxification given so much importance in Ayurveda?

According to Ayurveda, whenever the person is sick, then it means any or all of the doshas have got imbalanced. To balance the doshas, much before you are prescribed to take the ayurvedic medications, you will be suggested to undergo the detoxification treatment which will ensure that the problem or disease-causing toxicants are being eliminated from the body. The ayurvedic approach of the detoxification is known as panchakarma.

It is called panchakarma as it is the 5 step procedure that aims at clearing out the body from the intoxicating material.


Vamana is the method of panchakarma which aims at getting rid of the Kapha dosha which has accumulated physiologically. The harmful toxicants are aimed at being taken out from the body through the oral route.

Vamana is considered the best approach of panchakarma for people who are bothered with the following problems:

  • Asthma
  • Chronic Cough
  • Bronchitis
  • Sinusitis
  • Urticaria


This way helps do away with the progressed Vata dosha which has accumulated with the physiological means.

To detoxify the body through Basti, the various herbal medications along with ghee are sought to administer to the body through the anus.

This detoxification comes up with the best results in case of the people suffering from the following:

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Gouty Arthritis
  • Lumbar Spondylosis
  • Sciatica, Obesity
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Longstanding Constipation
  • Loss Of Strength


Virecha heals the progressed pitta dosha and contributes in battling against the diseases that are seeking to enter the body by some means. Through this method, the vitiated doshas aim at getting expelled out via purgation.

Did you know?

This therapy is so result-oriented that it can be performed alone without the need for the patient to undergo any other detoxification process. Also, it can be considered as follow up therapy which is considered for the patient who has earlier undergone Vamana treatment but the complete detoxification was not done.

Bottom Line

The above mentioned are three of the panchakarma treatments. The other two are nasya and the Raktmokshkana. If you want to know about them as well and that particularly in detail, then please let us know.


What Is Ayurveda? What are the different treatment approaches followed by ayurvedic practitioner?

  • December 3, 2020


What is Ayurveda? 
Ayurveda originated from Sanskrit words i.e Ayur means ‘Life’ and Veda means ‘Science or knowledge’. It is one of the oldest ways to heal any type of disease experienced by a person. You will be surprised to know that it was developed 3,000 years ago in India. People who practice Ayurveda believes that a human body is made up of five elements that are mentioned below:

  • Fire
  • Water
  • Space
  • Earth
  • Air 

There is one more belief that the human body is interlinked. If mind, spirit, and harmony with the universe and when it is disturbed, you get sick. Now you must be thinking what are the things that can disturb the balance are age, climate change, injury, genes, emotions, and so on. The main aim of Ayurveda is to encourage good health. 

You will be surprised to know that your body is controlled by some doshas such as Vata dosha, pitta dosha, and Kapha dosha. 

Vata Dosha- Space & Air
Ayurveda practitioners believe that Vata dosha is powerful as compared to all three doshas. It manages body functions that are mentioned below:

  • It controls a person’s mind.
  • Flow of blood
  • Breathing
  • Heart function

Some things that can interrupt are grief, fear, staying too late, and much more. A person can develop problems like asthma, skin problems, anxiety, heart diseases, rheumatoid arthritis. 

Pitta Dosha- Fire & Water 
This energy is having the power to manage your metabolism, digestion, and some hormones connected to appetite. Some things can interrupt such as consumption of sour or spicy food & spending time in the sun. In this, you are more likely to develop diseases like heart, high blood pressure, Crohn’s, and infections.  

Kapha Dosha- Water & Earth 
This manages your weight, body strength, muscle growth, and immune system. You can interrupt it by intake of excessive sweets and drinking things that involve too much salt or water. In this, there are chances of you developing cancer, breathing disorder, nausea, diabetes, obesity. 

What are the Ayurvedic treatments?
The ayurvedic practitioner will make a plan depending upon you and try to balance all the three elements. The main goal of the treatment is to cleanse your body containing undigested food. Panchakarma is the cleansing process that helps you to decrease your symptoms. Along with panchkarma the Ayurvedic practitioner can include the following treatment that are mentioned below:

  • Medical oils
  • Herbs
  • Massage
  • Purification of blood
  • Laxatives
  • enemas