3-minute guide: Everything about Ayurvedic management for Arthritis

ArthritisAyurvedic Treatment

3-minute guide: Everything about Ayurvedic management for Arthritis

  • July 16, 2022


Ayurvedic treatment for Arthritis

Arthritis is one of the common conditions that happen due to inflammation. As per Ayurveda, the problem occurs when toxins start gathering in joints. Overtime accumulation is likely to make it weak. If you have joint pain or notice the symptoms getting worse with time, then schedule an initial consultation with one of the best ayurvedic doctor in Ludhiana. With Ayurvedic management, your overall well-being get’s all better and more manageable. Its possible pain occurs in joints and leads to stiffness that you cannot even do anything smoothly.

Rheumatoid Arthritis is not just limited to aging

Earlier it was thought that RA only occurs with age, but that is not the case. As the prevalence rate is increasing, it’s seen that anyone at any point in time can complain about joint pain and move the knees without any problem. Moreover, the weather change is also a major culprit for the given problem.

Additionally, someone with an injured knee or bone has an increased chances of getting the problem. And that’s why it’s essential to consult an Ayurvedic doctor at the earliest and take necessary action on time.

Ayurvedic treatment balances your overall health

With Ayurveda, one major benefit is making your lifestyle well-balanced and then working on the necessary changes suggested by the Ayurvedic practitioner. The expertise of Ayurvedic doctors is known to work on the given factors:

  • Your overall diet
  • Activity level
  • Managing stress

So, working on all these factors is essential to returning your overall health to normal. The ayurvedic treatment helps everything to stay balanced as the toxins are addressed. Most importantly, the treatment is based on the specific dosha that creates problems with your overall health.

Ayurvedic tips for managing Rheumatoid Arthritis

Some of the known and proven methods to manage Rheumatoid Arthritis are:

  • Diet

Most importantly, follow a diet plan that helps you to manage your gut health. If your diet habits are poor, it will only create problems. You need healthy food options like green vegetables, lentils, and other healthy food options. Limit the intake of spicy and processed food as it creates more problems.

  • Make good use of Ayurvedic herbs and treatment

You need to use the Ayurvedic herbs daily. Indeed! The treatment is an ongoing process as it helps to remove the toxins from the body and work upon the symptoms like pain, swelling, stiffness, and inflammation. So, it’s like the right balance of everything allows the tissues in the joint to get the necessary strength. All in all, as told by the Ayurvedic doctor, you need to use the herbs and other suggested options.

  • Manage your stress levels

Stress is one of the major reasons for poor overall health. It’s imperative to keep your stress levels under control. By doing so, your body won’t have any severe health issues that trigger problems in the long run.

Ayurvedic TreatmentSinusitis

11 Ways To Prevent Sinusitis And Flu With Ayurvedic Treatment!

  • July 7, 2022


Sinuses are basically eight hollow cavities around the nose in our skull. They help lighten the skull while acting as shock absorbers for the head. In short, they moisten nasal activity and improve our voices. There is a mucus layer that helps in preventing the nose from any microorganisms, dirt, dust, and pollutants.

They drain the mucus that the sinuses produce into the nasal cavity. But there are times when they get themselves blocked because of excess production of mucus or because of the blockage in the mucus outflow.

At the end of the day, the bacteria attacked them, which causes a lot of pain, purulent mucus, and inflammation which leads to sinusitis.

People with allergies, asthma, structural blockage in the nose, or people with sinuses or weak immune systems are at greater risk of suffering from sinusitis. In such a situation, an ayurvedic doctor in Ludhiana will help you get rid of the problem without any doubt. 

How To Prevent Sinusitis?

The right way to get rid of such health conditions is to get a proper Sinusitis Ayurvedic Treatment in Ludhiana after the doctor evaluates the problem.

We have also gathered common ways to help eliminate sinusitis or prevent yourself from getting one.

  1. Try to avoid as much exposure as possible to cold, snow, wind, or dusty atmosphere.
  1. Do not consume cold food, especially in windy or cold weather.
  1. In cold weather, you should cover your feet, head, and ears while venturing outside.
  1. If you have a Kapha or Vata body type, then you should prefer eating warm food, which is very easy to digest, or else you will tend to develop sinusitis.
  1. At the time of a common acute cold, you should consume warm and light food with a hint of oil, butter, or ghee in it. Other good options are grilled meat, vegetables, quinoa, millet, meat soup, and oat porridge.
  1. In case you are constipated, then address it aggressively, specifically if you have an allergic predisposition.
  1. You should go for regular nasal cleaning with saline or anutalam water.
  1. Oral cleansing with Triphala tea or saline water. This will help you clear the passages while draining all the mucus.
  1. Add turmeric to your diet as it helps in reducing inflammation, congestion, and allergic disposition. You can use turmeric in any form, whether brewed as tea or as a spice.
  1. Try to sleep early and never stay up late at night as it might reduce your immunity.
  1. Try to avoid drinking right after a meal as it will increase the production of mucus. It is necessary to keep yourself hydrated but do not over-consume it. 

What Is Flu?

Flu is not a regular common cold but rather a highly contagious illness. Influenza viruses induce respiratory conditions that infect the nose, throat, and even the lungs in some cases. It can range from moderate to severe illness based on each patient’s symptoms. The tiny droplets that come from people who have flu, sneezes, coughs, or talk can spread this contagious condition.