PCOS: A Leading Cause Of Infertility And Its Ayurvedic Treatment

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PCOS: A Leading Cause Of Infertility And Its Ayurvedic Treatment

  • June 23, 2022


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AyurvedaAyurvedicAyurvedic TreatmentSexologistSexual problems

Successful results through Ayurvedic treatment for sexual problem

  • May 21, 2022


Ayurveda offers reliable results for sexual problem

Sexual disorders are a common concern in men and women. Undoubtedly, the stigma around not talking about sexual health has changed a lot. By seeking assistance from the ayurvedic doctor in Ludhiana, you can seek ultimate relief for your condition. The different types of sexual problems get’s treated through the Ayurvedic approach like:

  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Premature Ejaculation
  • Low Sexual desire
  • And much more

The ayurvedic treatment has answers for everything. To make you aware of the importance of Ayurveda for the well-being of your sexual health, the given blog gives you detailed information on the same through one of our patient’s successful treatment results.

Successful patient review for the treatment of Sexual disorder through Ayurveda

Sanam Maheshwari

At the age of 33, I consulted the Sexologist in Ludhiana about my sexual concerns. At first, I started with a conventional treatment plan for around 1.5 years. When I noticed nothing was working out for me and it made me feel more stressed. I choose to go down the path of Ayurvedic treatment to make my sexual health better.

Ayurvedic perspective on addressing the sexual problem

SHUKRAGATAVATA: One of the parts of Ayurveda is similar to PE (Premature Ejaculation). The said condition is identical to VATA PRAKOPA, where the focus is on disseminating and taking out the excess level of Vata dosha from the body. It’s essential as it has an imperative role to play in PE. As per Ayurveda, ejaculation is possible due to several factors, and out of all of them, DRUTATVAT MARUTASYA is the essential one. The Ayurvedic herbs suggested for this situation have the necessary properties to make the condition better. No doubt, sexual dysfunction is joint, but that does not mean delaying the state under any possible circumstance.

The ayurvedic approach follows a much more natural way

As we all know, the Ayurvedic course emphasizes improving the condition by treating it through the root cause. So, apart from giving the medications, the Ayurvedic doctor will suggest the options like:

  • Dietary modification
  • Yoga
  • Counseling sessions with a sex therapist
  • Urological consultation

Most importantly, the Ayurvedic approach is crucial in transforming the condition by all possible means. And that is what our Ayurvedic practitioner suggested to the patient to help him with his present state.

Customizing treatment plan and seeing results

After careful evaluation, our Ayurvedic doctor suggested Sanam have the necessary herbal medication. The doctor even asked to get a semen examination to make sure semen results were natural. Apart from that, some of the necessary lifestyle changes. As he was a healthy individual, so not much effort was not needed.

By taking the required course of medications, he could see the necessary change within 10 to 15 days.

Sanam, ‘I am extremely blown away by the results and how effective the Ayurvedic treatment plan is. Finally after 1.5 years of trying different medicinal approach I could find the ultimate solution for my sexual issues.’