Ayurvedic Therapy: How is the Nasya treatment approach in Ayurveda?

Ayurvedic TreatmentNasya Treatment

Ayurvedic Therapy: How is the Nasya treatment approach in Ayurveda?

  • April 2, 2022


Has someone in your know told you, ‘I have gotten Nasya treatment? The results are just mind-blowing and I am feeling much better.’ But, in your head, you are wobbling with questions like:

  • What is Nasya treatment?
  • How is it beneficial?
  • Where should I get Nasya Ayurvedic treatment?

Don’t worry. This blog will get all the necessary answers regarding the Nasya treatment and the right way to manage the situation.

Ayurvedic therapy: Nasya Treatment

Nasya treatment is one of the effective Ayurvedic therapy performed by an experienced ayurvedic doctor in Ludhiana. During therapy, there’s the installation of herbal oils, powders, and juices passed through the nasal route. Nasya is one of the options in 5 of the most effective Panchakarma therapy.

Are you diagnosed with nose, ear, and throat disorders?

Nasya therapy works like magic for all these health issues. If you have any problems above the neck base, schedule your initial consultation at one of the best ayurvedic clinic in Punjab to effectively manage your health and live the quality of life you have always wished for.

How is Nasya therapy performed?

Nasya therapy is done under the three main categories, which are mentioned below:

  • Poorvakarma or pre purificatory measures

One of the options is facial oil massage or applying steam to the forehead, face, head, ears, and neck. The said approach is practical if the doshas are not balanced in the body.

  • Pradhanakarma or main procedure of Nasya

From this is where the Nasya procedure begins, and then lukewarm water is instilled, which is medicated, including putting in both nostrils. Additionally, there’s the use of the right kind of dropper. Afterward, the sole, shoulder, ear, neck, and palm must be massaged gently.

  • Panchakarma or post-therapeutic measures

The procedure includes giving patients lukewarm water to gargle, and then medicated smoke is given for inhalation.

What are the benefits of Nasya treatment?

Nasyam Ayurveda treatment is beneficial for cleansing, purifying, and strengthening the nasal passage, which allows the breathing to be normal like earlier. This Ayurvedic therapy benefits patients with health issues like headaches, migraines, sinusitis, allergies, hair fall, premature hair greying, cervical spondylosis, and many other nasal infections.

Which are the conditions for which Nasyam is used?

Through Nasyam, it’s possible to manage several conditions like:

  • Pain

For headaches, migraine, and cervical spondylosis. It’s known for stimulating the critical part of the brain that takes away the pain.

  • Stress reduction

The therapy works by adding the medicated drug or oil through the nostrils, known for stimulating the vital brain parts and even working as an option for controlling emotions.

  • Detoxification

Nasyam is a crucial method to detoxify the body by all means.

  • Hair and skincare

When you get this therapy on an often basis, the skin complexion gets better, which helps with hair texture, and premature hair graying is stopped.

Apart from these, it works great for mental health, eye care, elderly care, and several health benefits are seen through the same.

Ayurvedic Treatment

Make your winters healthy: Follow a healthy diet & Abhyanga of course!

  • December 13, 2021


No sooner December comes, than we all become significantly aware of what we eat and how much should be eaten. It is the winter that is known for causing an imbalance in the vata. So the best Ayurvedic Doctor in Punjab suggests the following measure for balancing the vata dosha:

Increase the intake of the soluble fibre

The coldness of the chilly winters can only be coped with if one is taking a significant amount of fibre per day.

Here are some suggestions:

  • Oats

  • seeds

  • Oat Bran

  • Nuts

  • lentils

  • Beans

  • Pears

  • Chia seeds

  • Whole grains (if you are neither sensitive nor allergic)

  • Flax seeds

Limit the number of fermented foods

Fermentation is one of the ways which has been used for thousands of years to preserve foods. This process makes use of lactic acid. So make sure, you are not eating fermented foods in excessive quantities.

Increase the protein intake

According to the Best Ayurvedic Doctor in Ludhiana, there is a limit to everything. The same does imply with the ‘Increased’ word. Increased never means limitless. Protein intake must be increased but in moderation.

Include healthy fats in your diet

An increased fat intake helps to increase energy levels. One example of that is the Inuit diet. This healthy diet helps you to gain a significant amount of energy.

To begin adding healthy fats to your diet, you can begin with:

  • Coconut Oil

  • Clarified Butter or ghee

Please Note:

Both fats and sugar are the healthy fuels of your body. If you overeat these sources, then your body will naturally burn the sugar quickly to:

  • Fulfil the energy requirement of your body

  • And then storing the excess fuel as fat

Wheat and Dairy

Winters provide healthy opportunities for our bodies to switch to something healthy and natural. But the food items which are being used for giving a healthy twist to your body must have a high quality.

What is the ayurvedic opinion on consuming the head cheese?

Ayurveda suggested avoiding the consumption of hard cheese, particularly in the winters as it is hard to digest and is known for triggering various digestive issues.

What if I am a meat-eater? Does Ayurveda have something to suggest to me?

Be it summers or winters, the meat consumption ratio should not exceed more than 10%. It must be a lifetime intent as it is not only beneficial for our health but natural purposes as well.

Abhyanga: Make your skin happy!

Winters make your skin dry and moisture-less. You can restore the moisture by pampering your body with oil massages. Make sure you are making use of the hot oils.

Considering Everything!

Winters are supposed to be health-triggering. You must switch to healthy habits like the consumption of nutritional foods and moving every part of the body in the required direction in the form of physical exercises. DO not forget to pamper yourself in that soul-happening winter sun.

Want to know anything more on, ‘healthy diet & Abhyanga of course!’ Schedule your initial consultation with our experienced Ayurvedic doctor at Ayush Ayurveda.