How Ayurveda defines the problem of constipation? How is it treated?

Ayurvedic treatment of constipation
Ayurvedic MedicineAyurvedic Treatment

How Ayurveda defines the problem of constipation? How is it treated?

  • July 24, 2021


Constipation – The cause of the brain fog

As we all know that constipation is the problem in which every part of the body seems to be suffering. The mind is not able to stick with the focus. This becomes the predominant problem for those who have to use their cognitive abilities at their workplace. This is the main reason that the parents of the school or college going students are worried about their bowel movements. According to the ayurvedic doctor in Ludhiana, “ The problem of constipation should not come across for more than 1 day. If in case you are suffering from the prolonged constipation problem, then you have to immediately approach the ayurvedic clinic in Ludhiana.”

Did you know?

Ayurvedic treatment for constipation is deemed as the best option as compared to medical treatment. Say no to medical treatment, if your stomach is not getting clear of the waste.

Ayurvedic Definition Of The Constipation

In Ayurveda constipation is usually deemed as the sign of the Vata imbalance.

How Can Constipation Treatment In The Rehabilitation Of Arthritis And Depression Bother Patients?

Constipation is defined as the blockage of channels that leads to the accumulation of a huge quantity of waste products in the body. When this happens, then the body starts suffering from various kinds of problems like depression and arthritis. When the waste material is taken out from the body all the organs of the body get relaxed and this is why constipation treatment is deemed as the biggest relieving treatment.

It’s Not A Problem For The Large Intestine

The preponderant function of the large intestine is to store the faecal matter for a certain amount of time. It never creates a problem for the large intestine when the faeces are there for a longer period. But it does surely tamper with the effective bowel movement which is why constipation is known to become a problem whose treatment is to be sought at the early stage.

Problems Associated With The Bowel Movements

When the bowel movement stops, then they start sending negative signals to the brain, immunity system and liver.

Ayurvedic Names For The Constipation

In Ayurveda constipation is known with the following names:

  • Vibandha
  • Vishtabdhata
  • Malabadhata
  • Baddavarchas
  • Stabdha Pureeshwara
  • Varcho Vibandha

Associated Dosha

The Apana Vata is the kind of dosha that is responsible for causing the stool to get flown out of the body. In case the functionality of the Apna vat is affected to a considerable extent, then it will lead to the problem of constipation.

We Have The Solution To Your Problem!

In case you are suffering from this problem, then you should consider consulting the expert ayurvedic practitioner at the deep Ayurveda clinic. We try to make the patients heal with various herbal medications and ayurvedic therapies. If you intend to kick out this blockage, then what are you waiting for?

Book your consultation with us!