

  • December 14, 2020


Panchakarma Hospital in Ludhiana, Punjab

Panchakarma Hospital in Ludhiana, Punjab, Panchkarma is an Ayurvedic treatment that has 5 different therapies that help in balancing the doshas (The fundamental energies), detoxifies ama (toxins), strengthens Agni (digestive life), and helps to rejuvenate the body. The result of all this is shown through good health and increased happiness.
Panchakarma not only treats diseases but it helps to make your health better. As per Ayurveda, you should get Panchakarma at least 2 times a day to keep yourself fit. To understand how the treatment can be beneficial for you, it is best to get in touch with our ayurvedic practitioners.

Have a balanced body and mind through deep tissue detoxification and rejuvenate your health & soul!

Panchakarma – 5 Therapies

  • Vaman Medicated Emesis

    What is the purpose?

    Vaman helps in removing the ama (toxins) from the digestive tract and body tissues.

    How is it beneficial?

    Vaman helps to provide chest and throat clarity, promote lightness of the body, and makes your appetite better.
    This option is recommended by the doctor for treating Asthma, Hyperacidity, obesity, and other common Kapha-dominant disorders.

  • Virechan Medicine-induced Purgation

    What is the purpose?

    Virechana helps in removing the harmful toxins from the bowel and it also helps in giving external and internal oleation

    How is it beneficial?

    It is beneficial in reducing pitta dosha accumulation. Also, it takes away the harmful toxins present in the GI tract.Our Ayurvedic practitioner recommends it to treat colitis, celiac disease, herpes, jaundice, liver disorder, and pitta-dominated health issues.

  • Nasya Herbal Nasal Therapy

    What is the purpose?

    Nasya or nasal therapy helps to clear the head region and nasal canal. It helps to eliminate the blockage and helps in clearing the path which is needed for prana flow. Choosing this option makes everything smooth.

    How is it beneficial?

    Nasya is beneficial in increasing the sensory and mental circuitry, makes the mental clarity better, and rejuvenates your body. As per Ayurveda, it can prove beneficial for patients experiencing hair loss, sleep issues, migraine, respiratory issues, sinusitis, neurological issue, and chronic rhinitis.

  • Basti Medicated Enema

    What is the Purpose?

    Basti is helpful in cleaning and nourishing the entire colon which helps to detoxify the body.

    How is it Beneficial?

    Undergoing this therapy will help you notice reduced pain, stiffness, make your body feel light, and your body has a zest of energy. According to Ayurvedic experts, it helps treat piles, constipation, arthritis, infections, and various Vata-dominated disorders.

  • Raktamokshan Therapeutic Blood-letting

    What is the Purpose?

    Raktamokshan is beneficial in cleaning the impurities from the blood with the approach of leech therapy (Jalauka).

    How is it Beneficial?

    Undergoing raktamokshana helps to control the blood pressure, make your skin nourished, and reduces the toxic pressure from the body. According to Ayurvedic treatment, it is beneficial in treating problems like lesions, eczema, psoriasis, pigmentation, and other skin-related issues.

What are the diseases in which Panchakarma is beneficial?

Undergoing the treatment helps the patient to get different benefits and it can be beneficial in treating the:

  • Skin and hair issues
  • Digestive issues
  • Joint issues
  • Respiratory issues
  • Liver issues
  • Blood impurities
  • Metabolic disorders
  • Anorectal issues


  • December 14, 2020


Ayurvedic PCOS Treatment In Ludhiana, Punjab

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Ayurvedic PCOS Treatment In Ludhiana, Punjab, PCOS is one of the common issues faced by females which affects the endocrine system. The problem occurs due to the hormonal imbalance and it affects around 20% of women during the reproductive age which triggers secondary or primary infertility. As per Ayurveda, the PCOS is linked to the Atharva Kshaya.

PCOS is the condition in which androgen and luteinizing hormones are produced in a high amount by the ovaries and the level of FSH declines. With this condition, the follicles are not able to mature the egg and this triggers the issue of irregular menstruation and anovulatory cycle.

What are the reasons behind PCOS?

Well, the exact reasons behind PCOS are not known but the symptoms can be linked to abnormal hormonal issues. Some of them are mentioned below:

  • Genetics
  • Resistance to insulin
  • Increased level of inflammation
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Increased androgen level

What are the symptoms of PCOS?

  • Thin hair
  • Pigmentation of the neck or skin
  • Bleeding or heavy flow
  • Hair growth on the face
  • Back and face acne
  • Depression or irritability
  • Increased weight or problem losing weight

What is the Ayurvedic approach for PCOS?

Early diagnosis and treatment intervention is going to manage the PCOS problem, as well as long-term complications, are prevented. Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS includes:

  • Virechana (Detoxification)
  • Uttarbasti for PCOS
  • Nasya
  • Shirodhara
  • Diet and lifestyle modification

To treat this condition, a very systematic approach needs to be followed and our Ayurvedic practitioner strategizes a treatment plan depending on the symptoms the patient is having.

  • Controlling the weight in PCOS
    Even if you control your weight by 5% to 10% the menstrual cycle is going to become regular.
  • Restoration of regular menstruation
    Treatment for addressing the blood loss and thin endometrium issue.
  • Restoring the fertility
    Controlling the AMH level and regular ovulation.
  • Addressing hair fall and acne
    Ayurvedic therapy to address skin and hair problems.
  • Reducing the serum insulin level
    The hormonal level needs to be restored

Ayurvedic medicines for PCOS are given for around 6 cycles to 12 cycles of menstruation. Along with that, you need to focus on your diet and exercise regime.

What needs to be your diet plan for PCOS?

  • Do not eat artificial sweeteners and food.
  • Limit the salt intake during the menstrual cycle.
  • Avoid the consumption of saturated food and these can be found in chicken, red meat, deep-fried food, and
  • prepared snacks that you buy from the market.
  • Go with whole grains which contain the grains.
  • Your diet should contain vegetables and fruits.

What are the lifestyle changes for PCOS patients?

  • You need to control the anxiety and stress level.
  • Make sure to drink enough water so that your body remains hydrated.
  • You need to do Nasal breathing and Pranayama.