Ways Ayurveda Can Help Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis


Ways Ayurveda Can Help Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • January 3, 2025


When you are managing an illness or a chronic disease, chances are that you have already tried multiple different avenues of approach to find relief. Some things might have helped, while others might have not. When you are struggling and in pain, the important part is to ensure that you have a way of managing different symptoms. While modern medicinal planes might help in some cases, others will struggle to cope. It is imperative to ensure that you are able to try alternate methods of attaining relief – Ayurveda is one such solution offered.

For Rheumatoid Arthritis, the disease progresses over time. The symptoms can get worse over time and are difficult to manage. Modern medicine might not help at all in certain scenarios. 

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disease that can cause excessive swelling in joints without any reason. It can lead to extreme pain, make your body stiff and also cause you to lose all function in your body. This disease is chronic in nature. It is extremely important to ensure that you have a way of managing this disease as well as the pain flare-ups. 

Ayurveda Helps Manage Rheumatoid Arthritis

For the people who suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis, their world is a lifelong plethora of pain and finding ways to manage it in extreme situations. This disease can prove to be debilitating and hinder a person from engaging in basic, everyday tasks. With the help of Ayurvedic practices, you can ensure that you have a way of managing several symptoms at the same time.

Involving Herbs and Supplements in Your Daily Routine 

Most Ayurvedic treatment centres will ensure that they are able to impart the importance and impact of various herbs and supplements to their patients. In order to effectively manage and treat Rheumatoid Arthritis, the following are some of the herbs that are recommended: 

  • Boswellia serrata (Indian frankincense)
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Ricinus communis (castor oil)
  • Ashwagandha

It is imperative to make certain that you are able to purchase these herbs and supplements from a reliable Ayurvedic practitioner such as Ananta Ayurveda. This will help you be sure that the supplements you are putting in your body are thoroughly reliable.

A Healthy and Balanced Diet 

Ayurvedic practices generally make certain that you do not have any unhealthy eating habits. In order to successfully cope with rheumatoid arthritis, you need to ensure that you are not indulging in excessive drinking or eating uncooked meals. It is also important to make sure that you are able to avoid any and all unprocessed foods.

Essential Rounds of Exercise

Ayurveda also recommends making certain that you have a set routine of exercises. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, it can lead to the formation of “ama” – which can directly impact the flare-ups associated with rheumatoid flare-ups. One needs to make certain that they are capable of engaging in regular exercise in moderation. Exercising or walking in excess is typically not recommended for people struggling with rheumatoid arthritis.  

Changes in Lifestyle 

Ayurveda also recommends making specific lifestyle changes that can help to improve your rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. Some of the changes include: 

Being able to use hot water for drinking as well as bathing.

Adopting certain exercise and meditation practices, such as yoga.

Being able to make sure that you do not indulge in late afternoon naps can also help. 

Incorporating regular rounds of massage therapy in order to alleviate specific symptoms.  


With any chronic disease, life becomes difficult to manage for several reasons. One needs to make certain that they have ways in which you can get past pain flare ups. This is particularly true for people who struggle with Rheumatoid Arthritis. It is exceptionally difficult for people to ensure that they can live a normal and regular life. With the help of several Ayurvedic practices and treatment options offered at Ayush Ayurveda, you can make certain that you can effectively cope with the situation. 

Ayurvedic practices and treatments can offer an effective and essential way of coping with Rheumatoid Arthritis. We at Ayush Ayurveda can make sure that you are able to receive the best treatment possibilities!