What Is An Ayurvedic Diet Plan? What Are The Various Pros & Cons Of The Same?

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What Is An Ayurvedic Diet Plan? What Are The Various Pros & Cons Of The Same?

  • September 30, 2021


At Ayush Ayurveda, The best Ayurvedic clinic in Ludhiana, “ We believe that there is no one size fits all approach that can help you to live a healthy lifestyle. At our clinic, the ayurvedic practitioners aim at individualising the eating plans based on what kind of the doshic imbalance the person is suffering from.”

Note: Do not start a dieting plan just by yourself. For that, you need to consult the ayurvedic doctor in Ludhiana who will frame out the best individualized plan based on your medical condition.

First of all, it is quite important to mindfully eat whatever you want to consume.

Six Tastes are a must

The ayurvedic dietary plan aims at making the person incorporate all the six tastes in the food, which includes:

  • Sweet
  • Salty
  • Sour
  • Bitter
  • Pungent
  • Astringent

Begin with fruits

The ayurvedic principles suggest that each of the meals should include some sweet-tasting foods like the fruits in the beginning.

Continue with the salty foods

After that go ahead with the salty and sour tasting foods.

Finish off

If you finish the foods with any of the following, then you are going to show a great impact of the consumed food in your food:

  • Onions
  • Peppers
  • Green Apples
  • Tea
  • Celery
  • Kale
  • Green Leafy Vegetables

Tips for Healthy Eating

Be happy and stress-free

When you are having the food, then you are supposed to be grateful to the god who has given you the food to keep your body healthy. You should have the food mindfully and make sure you are avoiding all of the following:

  • Talking
  • Laughing
  • Getting Distracted

Do not eat in a hurry

The food will only cause a magical impact on the body if you are eating it slowly. Slow eating is beneficial if you want to enjoy the taste of the food.

Don’t wait for the food to get cold

According to the ayurvedic eating principles, the food is never allowed to get old. It is to be enjoyed when it is warm. If you prefer eating it cold, then you are contributing to making your health a huge matter of concern.

How are ayurvedic diet plans framed? Are there any pros and cons to that?

The ayurvedic diet plans are for me after knowing which dosha is causing the problems in your body. There are certain pros and cons to that.

Ayurvedic Diet – Pros & Cons


  • You will always and always be focused and watchful of what you eat.
  • You will come to know the importance of mindful eating.
  • Your body will never run into a deficiency of nutrients. You will always have generalised nutrition.
  • You will contribute to making your weight one of the most ideal forms


  • It may get extremely difficult to find out which kind of days are causing an imbalance in your body.
  • There are many kinds of herbs that may or may not cause side effects.

Note: If you are getting prescriptions from non-trained professionals, then you may get suggested medications that produce a long term effect.