How is Ayurvedic treatment effective in treating uterine fibroids?

Ayurvedic DoctorAyurvedic TreatmentUterine Fibroids

How is Ayurvedic treatment effective in treating uterine fibroids?

  • April 30, 2022


Treat uterine fibroids without surgery?

Can uterine fibroids shrink on their own?

Relieve pain with a natural approach?

Are you thinking about how all this is possible?

All this is possible when seeking treatment under the expertise of an Ayurvedic doctor in Ludhiana to take the best care of your overall health. Not just for uterine fibroids but to boost your overall health, Ayurvedic medicine is possible with its natural, reliable, and effective approach. If you are diagnosed with uterine fibroids dealing with pain or are thinking of seeking surgery but are worried about complications, seeking Ayurvedic treatment will help you manage everything.

What are Uterine fibroids?

Uterine fibroids are abnormal growth that occurs in women’s uterus, and most commonly, these are benign tumors. The problem is that many women are not aware that they have this problem until any signs or symptoms are visible. In many cases, uterine fibroids shrink on their own in the body following menopause. But, at times, it starts triggering problems and fibroids growth increases in the body. If your condition is not getting managed or pain is getting worse, schedule an initial consultation at one of the leading Ayurvedic clinic in Punjab to get familiar with the Ayurvedic approach to managing your situation.

What are the major symptoms of uterine fibroids?

As mentioned above the symptoms are not seen right away at the time but if it does, then it’s likely to show the given signs like:

  • Heavy menstruation
  • Low back pain
  • Painful intercourse
  • The feeling of fullness or pressure in the abdomen lower area
  • Sometimes infertility occurs

Which are the major causes of uterine fibroids?

The studies or research don’t clarify the exact reasons behind the same. But yes, some of the known causes for this situation are:

  • Hormonal imbalance
  • A positive family history
  • An overweight body

How does the Ayurvedic approach diagnose Uterine fibroids?

Uterine fibroids diagnosis

Several tests are carried out to diagnose uterine fibroids:

  • MRI
  • USG (UltraSonography)
  • Pelvic examination
  • Checking medical history

As per Ayurveda, fibroids are termed Granthi. The fibroids issue is likely to trigger because doshas create an imbalance in the body and affect the entire bodily system. So, the main aim of an Ayurvedic doctor is to get the doshas under a balanced state and then make a difference in your condition.

Ayurvedic treatment for uterine fibroids

The Ayurvedic practitioner will check the type of uterine fibroids you have and then suggest the option of lekhan (Scraping) and blood purifying to treat the same. Not just these medications, even necessary dietary and lifestyle changes are recommended to make a difference in patient condition.

Additional approach suggested by Ayurveda to fibroids patients

Apart from these options, it would be best if you tried to include the given things in your daily life:

  • Exercise
  • Meditation
  • Yoga


Ayurvedic Doctor

Ayurveda suggests helpful tips to have a solid and satisfying sleep

  • December 10, 2021


Did you have a sound sleep yesterday or the day before that?

I know, you must be thinking in such a fast-paced life, ‘Is it really possible to have sound sleep?’ Those were the good old days when we used to sleep without thinking of the future or what tomorrow will happen (Childhood – The magical days!). We all crave to have satisfying sleep but sometimes due to stress, health issues, or any other reason that is not possible at all.

Do you get up in the middle of the night or Are you awake till 2 am? As the winter is here you would think to get all cosy in your bed, have your hot chocolate, watch a movie, and sleep. But that is all just a dream. Have you tried some of the Ayurvedic practices or ever visited an Ayurvedic Doctor in Ludhiana.

Sleep should be your way to fresh and reboot yourself. But, if you stay awake all night, ‘How are you going to give your best every day? To calm your mind, you need to pay a visit to the Best Ayurvedic Doctor in LudhianaAyurveda indeed has all the best options available to make sure from head to toe your body functions properly.

Ayurvedic tips to have sound sleep after a hectic day

I have suggested some of the tried and tested tips that have worked out for me and my family members. It’s up to you whether you want to try just one or all of them.

  • A warm shower take all the worries away

When you have a warm shower or hot bath, it relaxes & calms your body like anything. You will feel the tension going away from the body. It’s like bringing your mind to peace.

  • Magic of turmeric milk

Golden spiced milk or turmeric milk at night does work like magic. You need the following:

  • ½ cup whole milk (Nut milk can be used)

  • ¼ cup water

  • A pinch of Turmeric

  • Couple saffron threads

  • Fennels

  • Cardamom

  • Black pepper

  • Nutmeg (helps to sleep)

  • Raw sugar (a bit of it)

  • Maple syrup

Just let it stir till the time it comes to a boil and it’s done. Read your favourite book along with it and zone it in your dreamy world.

  • Massage = Relaxing

Is there anything better than a massage? Get your favourite massage oil and rub it on the sole of your food & then cover with socks. Additionally, take some soil and massage it on the crown of the head in a circular motion. This amazing treat is worth every penny to have a sound sleep which you always want after a tiring day.

  • Limit the screen time

If yesterday you have made this mistake, better not repeat it today or tomorrow. Better keep your phone on the side before sleep to make your body happy and get relaxed. Meditate for 10 minutes, today this regularly and see the difference.

To make sure you don’t get up as a lazy person in the morning, better try these Ayurvedic tips to have a sound sleep. Want to know anything more on, ‘How to manage your health with Ayurveda?’ Schedule your initial consultation with our experienced Ayurvedic doctor at Ayush Ayurveda.