Ayurvedic Treatment For Your Mental, Emotional, And Physical Health

AyurvedicAyurvedic DoctorAyurvedic MedicineAyurvedic Treatment

Ayurvedic Treatment For Your Mental, Emotional, And Physical Health

  • May 5, 2022


Ayurveda is not only a form of medicine; it is a way of life. People choose this technique to treat their health conditions because of its adequate power. It is an old age practice that is still prevalent because of its unmatchable healing power over other conventional methods.

An ayurvedic doctor in ludhiana believes in incorporating all aspects of life to balance and maintain optimum care. It is not easy to define it in simple terms as it is a holistic approach that works magically on a person’s body, mind, and soul.

 Origin Of Ayurveda

Let us move to the origin of Ayurveda and how it is still associated with the modern lifestyle.

It is a fact that with the constant need to outshine, we do not take time for ourselves in this modern lifestyle. But during this pandemic, we registered the importance of taking breaks and pausing to focus on our demands. Health is the most critical factor in life; neglecting it could ruin our well-being. But now, people are more focused and considerate towards their lifestyle and health in general, which enriches both physical and mental health.

This is where the role of ayurvedic clinic comes in; it is basically the study of organic human psychology and physiology. The study is solely based on the ancient text, which is passed down through civilization and ages and dates back to the Vedic era.

The four ancient and essential books, also known as Vedas, which loosely translated to knowledge called Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sam Veda, And Atharva, are the origins of Ayurveda.

Based on all that knowledge from the Vedas was gathered to create Charaka Samhita. It is information on all aspects of Ayurveda and its remedies. Sushruta Samhita, a science of surgery, was also considered one of the oldest written records of Ayurveda.

 Incorporate Ayurveda In Your Daily Life

The best part of Ayurveda is that it is readily incorporated into all aspects of life. No matter how big or small your ailment is, ayurvedic treatment is ready to cure it. Ayurveda is made of pure ingredients such as plants and herbs, which is the reason why it relaxes the body, mind, and soul with no side effects.

Thi Is one of the striking reasons people opt for Ayurveda for the most sensitive health conditions. Some of those problems include skin issues, menstrual cycle, infertility, hair care, and many more.

Apart from that, it is also beneficial for your physical health condition, which includes diabetes, arthritis, blood pressure, and digestion.

Chronic or acute health conditions- all will be treated with Ayurveda and its renowned medications.

Ayurveda And Emotional Well-being

But one thing that most treatments often leave behind is a person’s emotional or mental well-being. Your overall well-being is very well correlated to your physical, emotional, mental, and sexual health. Disrupting any one of them could put a big dent in your life. With the help of Ayurveda, you would be able to achieve it without any complications.

For children, elders, or adults, ayurvedic medicines are seen to be equally effective and mainly safe.

 Improving Lives Together

With the help of the doctors at Ayush Ayurveda Ayurvedic, you can improve your well-being for the better. So do not wait anymore; book your initial consultation and choose Ayurveda to reach your health potential.

allergiesAyurvedic Medicine

Ayush Ayurveda’s Guide On – Imbalance of the doshas with the allergies

  • October 12, 2021


Ayush Ayurveda, The Department of Ayurveda – One of the best Ayurvedic clinics in Ludhiana treats the seasonal and all other kinds of allergies in the best way. The ayurvedic doctors in Ludhiana describe the allergy as a consequential condition that comes to the origin when the particular dosha (vatta, pitta or Kapha) gets highly aggravated in response to the particular allergen.

Here in this blog post, we are going to study how do the allergies specifically affect the particular dosha:

Allergies – VATA dosha


These kinds of allergies particularly affect the digestive tract.


The person suffering from this problem does have the symptoms like the following:

  • Burping
  • The gurgling of the intestine
  • Gas
  • Extreme Discomfort in the digestive tract
  • Abdominal Pain

Constricting Symptoms may also be experienced which comprises of the following:

  • Sneezing
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Joint Pain
  • Sciatica
  • Spasms
  • Muscle Twitching
  • Insomnia
  • Nightmares

Get it corrected:

  • Avoid both overeating and the undereating
  • Make sure that you are keeping yourself warm
  • Stay hydrated all the time
  • Drink the herbal tea


Whenever you drink tea or something, then make sure you are adding a drop of either the sesame oil or the ghee on it.

Allergies – Pitta dosha


These kinds of allergies are the skin based on reactions that usually results in the following:

  • Hives
  • Rashes
  • Itching
  • Eczema
  • Allergic Dermatitis

Apart from the skin reactions, the pita allergies could also result in the following:

  • Heartburn
  • Acid indigestion
  • Upset stomach
  • Nauseous feeling
  • Vomiting

Get it corrected

  • It is great to keep yourself cook
  • Do not exercise at midday
  • Make sure you are consuming many of the cooling and cleansing herbs.


Try to donate the boog at regular intervals. It will ensure that the dosha is getting properly balanced.

To make sure your skin is not getting so much affected by the imbalance in the dosha, it is suggested that you should drink the following in great quantities:

  • Fresh Cilantro Juice
  • Cilantro Pulp

Allergies – Kapha Dosha


These allergies usually show signs of emergence during the spring season.


The allergy symptoms of the Kapha dosha include the following:

  • Experiencing Perpetual Hay Fever
  • Cold
  • Congestion
  • Cough
  • Sinus Infection
  • Water Retention
  • Asthma
  • Bronchial Congestion
  • Irritation of the mucus membrane

Get it corrected

  • It’s great if you can keep yourself both warm and dry
  • Make sure you are not napping in the day
  • Drink both lightening and the clarifying herbal teas
  • Avoid consuming sugar in beverages. In the tea, also, make sure you are using the honey drops.

Please Note!

If any of the above mentioned Dosha balancing remedies is not coming out useful, then it is better to opt for Panchakarma.

Final Comments!

The above mentioned are some of the generic tips to balance the various kinds of doshas. But consulting with the ayurvedic practitioner will bring about even more conducive results since they will suggest remedies based on every aspect of your medical condition and your lifestyle.