Techniques To Stimulate Energy Points
According to Ayurveda, the human body has a great network of energy points. These energy points are extremely useful because physical, mental, and spiritual healing is possible. If one comprehends these energy points, then one can have good health. These points are known as Marma points. Where muscles, veins, joints, bones and ligaments intersect, those points are called energy points of the body. These are the sensitive points; therefore, a person needs to be very careful while dealing with these points.
In total, 107 energy points can be found in the body; each one is related to different organs and systems and has different functions. Massages are done to stimulate these energy points, and by doing so, stress level gets reduced, and a person is able to heal. In-depth knowledge is needed to deal with these points as although these points help to heal the body if anything wrong happens, then these points can also result in harming the body. These Marma therapies are quite lucrative as a lot of diseases are cured by these therapies.
Benefits of Marma Therapy
The blood circulation is improved by Marma therapy. It also helps to alleviate pain. A person’s digestion gets improved, due to Marma therapy, stress level is also reduced. Not only this, it even helps to improve immunity and aids in getting relief from headache.
Techniques to stimulate energy points
Marma Point Massage
This is a special technique that is specifically used to trigger energy points. These Marma points are linked with mind and emotions as well. It is effective in improving joint mobility and emotional balance.
Under this technique, pressure is applied to the energy points so that the body can heal naturally. This technique assists in improving the quality of skin and hair. Moreover, anxiety issues are also treated by this.
Under this technique also pressure is applied but only to feets, hands and ears. This technique helps to lose weight. A person feels relaxed after this and is able to have a sound sleep. It also delays aging.
Yoga and Pranayama
Under this also the energy levels are stimulated but the way is different. It is done by performing different postures and various breathing activities.
Aromatherapy and Herbal Applications
Under this method, in order to improve the overall well-being of a person, various oils are used which are made from plants. This is highly effective in getting rid of pain.
Heat Therapy
As the name suggests, under this therapy, heat is applied. People can use hot water bottles and heating pads. It helps to get rid of stiffness and swelling as it improves the blood flow. It relaxes the muscles.
At Ayush Ayurveda, we offer Ayurvedic treatments to the people so that they can get cured in a natural way. Ayurveda is highly lucrative in the current era as it is harmless. We have professionals who are cognizant about every concept of Ayurveda. We are pleased to help you to have a better life without any problem.